Two-toed sloth, or Linnaeus's didactyl sloth, is a mammal from Central and South America. It spends most of its time in the treetops, where it can drink, feed and avoid predators. Its morphological characteristics are quite curious: with extremely thick, protective skin and brownish-green fur that camouflages it, it uses its mouth to pick up food or tear leaves (it chews with its teeth, which have no enamel and are constantly growing). It moves slowly through its jungle habitat (its discreet size helps), and is an excellent swimmer. Its sense of touch and smell enable it to forage for food, but its sight and hearing are poorer. The two-toed sloth is slow digesting, which is why its entire metabolism is slow, and why it goes down to the ground so little (only once a week to defecate). Its body temperature changes according to its environment (from 24ºC to 33ºC). Unlike other mammals, its fur grows from the belly upwards, not from the top to the belly. Thus, when it rains and it is hanging upside down on a branch, the water runs off easily.
It is an animal that feeds on plant matter, leaves and fruit, from which it obtains solid food and water. It is very common to see specimens on a type of tree (the yos, or Sapium laurifolium), which they also use to feed on their leaves.
Reproduction takes place when the sloths reach sexual maturity, at four or five years of age. Males are solitary, while females may live in groups. Gestation lasts 11.5 months, after which a young is born. The offspring clings to its mother's fur until it is able to fend for itself 20 to 25 days after birth.