People with Disabilities

Ticket purchase and information

Visitors with a disability equal to or greater than 33% benefit from the Reduced Admission price. You can make your purchase through our website or at the Park’s Ticket Booths. In addition, the ticket for people with disabilities includes free admission to the Park for one companion. It will be necessary to show official accreditation of your disability status.

The free companion of the person with a disability must not be added during the ticket purchase process, must be the same person for the entire visit and must enter the park at the same time as the visitor with a disability.

Online tickets from



Information of interest

  • We implement the Sunflower Necklace

    An initiative to give visibility and promote understanding and help to people with hidden conditions or disabilities, expressing voluntarily the possible need for support.

  • Solidary Company distinction

    The Spanish companies of the Parques Reunidos Group obtained this certification from the Third Sector Platform for our positive impact on society.

Selwo Marina in your hands with our APP
Selwo Marina in your hands with our APP

Selwo Marina in your hands with our APP