Bare-faced Curassow

Theme area:  Los Trópicos
Scientific name:  Crax fasciolata
Class:  Birds
Continent:  South America
Habitat:  Tropical forest
Diet:  Omnivore
Weight:  2.5 - 5 kg
Size:  75 - 85 cm
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The Bare-faced Curassow inhabits the forests of eastern Bolivia, Paraguay, northeastern Argentina and central-southern Brazil.

It has clear sexual dimorphism, with males being black with a curly crest and yellow bill, while females are grey with white stripes.

It is a territorial, socially monogamous species, which lives alone or in pairs. It nests high up in the treetops. They are built with small branches and sticks, and have dried leaves inside. The female is the only one to incubate the two white eggs over 30 days, although both partners actively care for the young.

They are mainly frugivorous, although they also feed on small animals, especially insects. Because they are mainly frugivorous, they play a key ecological role through seed dispersal.

Their main threats come from the continued loss and fragmentation of their habitat and hunting.

Conservation Status
Extinct in the wild
Critically endangered
Near threatened
Least concern
Insufficient data
Not evaluated


Bare-faced Curassows show their emotions through their crest. When they are calm it is lowered, when they are nervous or angry it is raised.
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